How to harness your fears

Posted by on Sep 21, 2013 in Wellness | 0 comments

How to harness your fears

Sleeping alone in the wild, one comes face to face with fears.  Namely, the fear of creatures in the night.  Routt National Forest is home to bears, mountain lions, scorpions, and rattlesnakes, all of which I was acutely attuned to during my three night solo in the woods.  Before my cohort and I set out for our own solo adventures, we shared what these fears looked like with the group.  Many expressed the fear of being alone in the dark, and the fear of encountering a wild animal.  I was certainly among this camp.

One of our guides shared a piece of advice that was particularly helpful during my time alone in the woods.  He said that speaking to your area had a powerful effect on the atmosphere you attract (and cultivate).  He suggested saying aloud to the spot: “Harm is not welcome here”.  When I got into my sleeping bag that night, for the first time out of my tent and completely exposed to the elements, I practiced saying this mantra.  And I didn’t stop there.  I invited in intentions of what I was willing to entertain.  I chanted over and over, “Love is welcome here.  Peace is welcome here.  Understanding is welcome here.  Harm is not welcome here.  Danger is not welcome here.  Love is welcome here,” and so on.

Now maybe the creatures of the night didn’t understand my words.  But I cultivated the energy and power in myself of what I wanted to attract in my experience in the wild, and that experience I asked for is exactly what I encountered.  Perhaps if I had let my fears and my expectations of meeting wild animals overcome me, I would have been more likely to attract them into my space.  Of this, I am not sure, but I do know that the power of intention creates a space for the world we want to create, within and without.

These words have carried their potency into other areas of my life.  Whenever I experience those haunting thought patterns that creep into my inner world, such as shame, fear, anger, or isolation, I simply notice the emotion and address it aloud.  I say to each: “fear is not welcome here.  Love is welcome here.  Peace is welcome here.  Understanding is welcome here.”  In my inner wild, I am still able to create the experience I want to manifest.

What’s your mantra?  Comments are welcome here

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